A self-portait of me drawn with a digital pencil

two thousand and twenty two 🏕️

how i changed career again and went camping

Quick note: I’ve noticed that YouTube are clamping down super hard on embedding music, which sucks. The YouTube link to the above song is here.

I went kind of hard on neglecting this website, other than quietly changing the style a couple of times when I got an itch.

This year I’ve pivoted career within IT to Business Intelligence, more specifically: Data Warehousing. I think in 🇺🇸 it’s more known as Data Science, though I’d probably be considered more of a “dba”. The pace is very different to working in IT Operations (which was basically retail), and I’m really settled into the role after six months. To quote a manager “you get to chill out and make some cool shit”.

We’ve also taken the little one on a camping trip. This was way too much fun, weirdly even the five hour drive down to North Norfolk (Aha!).

A map showing Hunstanton in The Wash of the United Kingdom's east coast

After getting each other some proper walking boots on our birthdays, we’ve also taken up hiking. Me and the guys climbed the 16km Standedge Circuit (435 m), armed with tuna sandwiches, whiskey and plenty of beer on my birthday, then more recently on Jenni’s birthday we climbed Pen-y-ghent (694 m). Both have very short, sharp scrambles and beautiful views.


There’s a lot of articles I’ve been reading for work (and not for work) which led to the inspiration for me to take fingers-to-keyboard and update/write for this blog again. I’ll try to share them Soon™️, however no promises as the little one has nearly finished her Turkey Dinosaurs and Chips so it’s nearly story time.