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Mobile Tech Rant

When your phone is more powerful than your laptop

I have two notebooks in my possession for ā€œcouch computingā€ and writing assignments when AFBC (away from behemoth computer). Their specs are rather modest, even for their generations. The larger of the two is a 2007 model 15ā€ HP laptop sporting an AMD64 2.2GHz Dual Core processor, 2GB RAM and integrated Nvidia graphics with a max resolution of 1280x768, the smaller being a 7ā€ Asus Eee PC sporting a 0.9GHz Intel 32-bit single core Celeron processor and a whopping 1GB RAM, with Intel ā€œacceleratedā€ graphics pumping out an impressively crisp 1024x600px resolution. Both these devices are over 5 years old, but letā€™s look at phones from 5 years ago: the HTC G1 had a 320x480 pixel display, a 0.528GHz processor (single core) and 192MB RAM, about comparable with computers at the turn of the millennium (although ā€œgaming rigsā€ may have sported Intel Tualatinā€™s clocking 1.2GHz). Flash forward and my Nexus 4 today has a quad core 1.51 GHz Snapdragon, 2GB RAM and a Qualcomm Adreno pumping out 768x1184 pixels.

The point/Tl;dr

When mid-high range phones have caught up to low-mid range computers from just 5-6 years ago, when 5-6 years ago, they were nearly 10 years behind, you know the future of mobile tech is going to be awesome. (Also, Mooreā€™s law)