A self-portait of me drawn with a digital pencil

Supporting in Season 2015

Ah Season 2015, smiting champions, Cinderhulk, super-mega-special-super-special-awesome Baron buff, Dragon stacks and crazy ass support builds. Let’s jump in head first!

Just buy this and win

Righteous Glory 2500g

UNIQUE ACTIVE: Grants +60% Movement Speed to you and nearby allies when moving towards enemies for 3 seconds. When this speed boost ends, it emits a shockwave, slowing nearby enemy champions by 80% for one second. 60 second cooldown.

I will legitimately be shocked if Righteous Glory goes without a nerf or three before the seasons end; it gives champions with normally zero chase-engage (Annie, Morgana) a Shurelya’s Reverie (or Talisman or Ascension) combined with a Randuin’s Omen. Hell, once you’ve finished it, you might as well take a Talisman and a Randuin’s anyway and just stack that sucker up!

There’s building boots and buying a ward on first back and there’s an incorrect back

Roaming and edging advantages means more than ever this season, games are incredibly hard to close out when even with tower buffs, the easiest way to do this is the roam for ward placement/cheeky ganks on mid. Or you know… do it at level one.

“What the fuck is that build…”

Zero AP Annie/Morgana sounds like trash, but support this season isn’t about carrying with damage, it’s about carrying with utility.