A self-portait of me drawn with a digital pencil

Google Play Music All Access: terrible title, terrific service

Google Play Music All Access may well hold the title for being the worst named product in Google history, but for ÂŁ7.99 a month with a 30 day free trial it may also well be the best-value product in Google history.

Plugging straight into the app on your Android device, the service turns your device into an all-containing jukebox. Songs and albums can be played on a one off basis or added to your library (or device offline) at the press of a button. The service is also available for use via Google’s web “app” on desktops and Chrome devices.

The Radio feature works much like Spotify Radio or Pandora, and is so far proving to be a great music discovery method, with the added benefit of being able to download a local copy of any song you like in case you go through a tunnel or land in North Korea.

Speaking of North Korea, there’s some great documentaries on visiting the hermit nation by Vice on YouTube.