A self-portait of me drawn with a digital pencil


It’s been three months since my last blog post, so I thought I’d post some updates on my life and excuses for not posting.

What is life

  • As of October 29th, I am an official (temporary) employee at a leading supermarket chain (hence the corporate banner colour)
  • I hit Gold II at my peak in League of Legends (I’m currently Gold III due to sucking pretty hard, but I’m quite pleased with my progress. Next up: Platinum!)
  • Third year at University has forced me to hit the ground running, and that’s been pretty tough so far. But so far, so good.
  • I still haven’t got the new Facebook experience

Coming up

In the pipe for the blog: some more bigoted, elitist, views on my climb through the ranks in League (and why how self deprecating I am IRL has helped), some Chemistry/Pharmacy stuff (good excuse for revision), and some more random YouTube embeds from music I think you should listen to–because my taste in music is the correct taste in music.

Ttyl; bbiab,

Tom <3