A self-portait of me drawn with a digital pencil

life update 👶

it’s been a while since i posted on this blog, in between then and now i had another website which i didn’t renew and i forgot to backup the posts, so go me

Detective Pikachu

I have unashamedly neglected this blog since the 28th January 2018, and invariably I am a monster.

Here are some things that have happened in my life since I last posted, I:

  • got a new job to try working in IT
  • learned (some) C++
  • sold all of my Apple products and switched to a Google Pixel 3
  • moved into a house
  • got another new job working in IT
  • enjoyed the shit out of Detective Pikachu (the movie and the DS game)
  • forgot to cancel the free Spotify trial that came with my PS4 but stuck with it
  • signed up for an unlimited travel card to get discount public transport through work
  • (tried to) got over myself
  • had a baby

Niamh Imogen is 10 weeks old and she is my absolute world. I joked for a while that I wouldn’t dare bring a child into this world in the state that it’s in; but at the same time I’m nearly 30 and everything just kind of fell into place with the love of my life. I don’t think I can change the world or save anyone or anything, but I can try to be the best version of myself to give her the best possible chance. Plus: now I have someone to look after me when I’m in a care home.