A self-portait of me drawn with a digital pencil

flaky-toothbrush, a ci/cd playground built on 🧑‍💻

I’ve hinted in a previous post that I was using GitHub Codespaces to complete some of my development without having to spin up my dev environment on every machine I use. I’m now also using GitHub Actions to teach myself CI/CD, and I’ve managed to plug it into so I can play around with some front-end development without having to commit any time to looking after a server.

I’ve created a GitHub action which publishes to Surge in around 22s. I’ve named this surge.yml in my .github folder and I’ve also published it as a Gist.

The first project I’ve spun up onto the site is a distance tracker as part of the NHS 1000 mile challenge. This is the end-product of a pipeline which runs from my Apple Watch, via a TestFlight app called Hadge to a private health repository on my GitHub. An action then runs on this repo to generate a json file which the very basic BootStrap and Vanilla JavaScript page uses to generate a loading-bar style representation of our progress through the year vs my progress vs 1000 miles of walking and running.

A screenshot of my distance tracking webpage.

The source for anything I spin up here will be available on its’ repo, such as for the Awesome Shop which I’m wanting to turn into a ‘modern’ Vanilla JavaScript tutorial.

Aside from all that

I’m planning on spinning down my PHP sandox Hexagon in favour of a Ruby on Rails project I’ve been working on. I do also plan on putting the PHP project I span up onto GitHub to sort of prove I can do better than “Square” over 7 years later (prove to who? me).